10 Korrik 2024

At a two-day International workshop organized by the European Center for Modern
Languages ​​(ECML) from Graz and Croaticum - the Center for Croatian as a Second and
Foreign Language, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, and supported by
the Council of Europe, on July 1 and 2, 2024 , successful and well-attended workshop was
held at the Faculty Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb: Connecting
language curricula, tests and exams with the Common European Reference Framework
Croaticum hosted experts from Croatia and abroad who are engaged in teaching and
evaluating the knowledge of foreign languages ​​- linguists, philologists and experts from Italy,
Poland, Kosovo, Slovenia and Croatia (from the universities of Rijeka, Split and Zagreb -
professors from the Department of Phonetics, Department for Hungarianology, lecturers of the
Center for Foreign Languages ​​and teachers of Croatian and English from private and state
universities and schools). Two professors from Faculty of Philology, University of Hasan
Prishtina participated on workshop – Yllka Pacarizi and Blerta Mustafa.
The leaders of the workshop were ECML advisors Rita Juknevičienė from Lithuania from the
University of Vilnius and Gábor Szabó from Hungary from the University of Pécs.
Workshop participants created examples of tests for evaluating receptive and productive skills
at different levels according to the descriptors of the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages and Companion Volume, depending on the type of test takers and the
type of testing. The criteria important for creating tests and evaluation criteria were presented
and the need for continuous improvement in the field of testing was emphasized.